The December 12 ZBA meeting began with two property owners requesting variances -- the public hearings are scheduled for January 9
A request to build a garage requiring a variance on the size of the structre for a property on Orange Court.
A request for setback variances for an inground pool and a shed on Helen Drive.
The ZBA then went into executive session at 7:22 - returning at 7:51 - to provide their decision on the variances requested by the developers of Alpine Commons. The Board issued a conditioned negative declaration - which the town attorney explained was a Type 2 SEQR Review. The Applicants attorney, having been presented with the decision within minutes of the ZBA returning from executive session, argued that the process allows for a 30 day comment period before the vote on the Variances and that other agencies at the county level and town level should be given an opportunity to review and comment.
The Board went ahead with the vote and denied the requested variances (additional denisty, height).
Will this be the end of this request?