The April 23 Zoning Board of Appeals agenda consisted of two public hearings
Property on Old State Road in an HB Zoning District - which requires some commercial use. This property has been neglected for some time, and it is great to see a property owner willing to invest in the property. It consists of two structures, one residential and the other a combination of residential/commercial. The code requires 25% commercial use, where the applicant is proposing 13%. Given the pressures on the housing market and the abundance of empty commercial space - this request makes sense. The Board approved the variance.
Property on Easter Road in Chelsea. During the discussion it appears that part of the issue in accessing properties on Easter Road -- is that a bridge is closed because it is in disrepair. While the Zoning Board Chair mentioned that addressing t his is outside the purview of the Board, other members of the board felt that a letter to the town board asking them to address the situation is necessary. To provide access to the property, the applicants asked for a variance of 35 feet to create a flagpole lot enabling a driveway to be built. The Board granted the variance.