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Mid-Point Sewer Project, Midway Rides and other Misc.

The Monday June 10 Town of Wappinger Town Board meeting began with a recitation of the pledge of allegiance and then an innvocation by Fr. Eric Tosi of St. Gregory the Theologian Orthodox Church and a moment of silence.

The Agenda of the meeting was updated to include two new resolutions to be added to the Non-Consent Agenda, basically enabling the Town to, if it is needed, procure a $10Million dollar bond, to cover the estimated costs for the Mid-Point Park Sewer Plant upgrades. Basically, the consultants hired to help with this project, have advised that to be competitive for grants, the town needs to demonstrate their seriousness about the project by showing that the town is willing to spend the $$ for the project. It is a bit counter intuitive, because what then followed was a public hearing for the project (with additional resolutions on the "Consent" part of the agenda -- meaning that our esteemed leaders have made up their minds and agreed to the project in advance of hearing any feedback from the public.

Which in this case worked out, because there was only one member of the public who asked any questions.

So... as a refresher, the Mid-Point Sewer District services about 156 parcels. Please remember that any upgrades, operating expenses etc. are to be born by those 156 owners -- not the town at large, which when one is talking about millions of dollars in upgrades (do the math), can result in startling numbers. But please remember that property owners not in a water district or sewer district -- are also subject to startling numbers when replacing a well or septic system on their property. So, CPL, the engineering firm formerly providing services to the town, determined that this particular upgrade, required to meet the new DEC standards, as well as provided required upgrades/maintenance, estimated the best solution to cost about $10M. Other alternatives, such as extending the service along 376 etc. were determined to be too expensive and not at the best interests of the town's residents. But the board provided assurances during the public hearing that the $10M was a "pro-forma" action and that they are going to be very agressive in pursuing grants for this upgrade, thus reducing the financial impact on the property owners in the sewer district. Consultants will be hired (see one of the consent resolutions) and those costs will also be born by those in the sewer district. Assurances were made that those in the sewer district were sent letters notifying them of the public hearing, as well as the legal noticed published in local media.

After the public hearing, came the public portion of the meeting - and there were no members of the public that came forward to comment on anything on the agenda.

Thus opened the Consent Portion of the agenda -- and Council Member Beale, based on the experience of the rides at last weekends New Hackensack Fire Department's 75 anniversary, felt compelled to ask about the resolution concerning the procurement of rides for the fall community day. The Recreation Director noted that when Community Day was held at Schlathaus park, there were terrain and space factors that prevented some of the larger, more popular rides. But with Community Day moving to the grounds of the middle school, alternative vendors may be considered, but that the more popular vendors are booked far in advance making any changes at this point in time difficult. Council Member Bealed requested that the Resolution Authorizing the Execution of the Agreement for Operation of Carnival Rides, Concessions and Amusements for the Town of Wappinger Fall Festival be tabled to two weeks until additional research can be done.

So - Approved in the Consent Agenda -

  • Mid-Point Sewer District Improvement Project Designation Of Lead Agency And Negative Declaration - this resolution makes the Town the lead agency in this project

  • Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement Between the Town of Wappinger and the Little League Association, Inc. - The Town Board hereby a Service Agreement with the Town of Wappinger Little League Association, which helps maintain recreation fields in the Town.

  • Resolution Appointing Professionals From Request For Qualifications For Mid Point Park Sewer District - The town awarded the request for qualifications for the improvements to the Mid-Point Park Sewer Collection System to Laberge Group and appoints them to work in a professional consulting capacity. (to be paid for from the Mid-Point Park Sewer District fund)

The Non-Consent Agenda

  • Accepting the Resignation of Donna Lenhart has submitted her resignation and notice of retirement as Assistant to the Senior Center Director - approved by the board with many accolades and complimentary comments on the work that Ms. Lenhart has done in the Sr. Center.

  • Two Resolutions added to the agenda - which enable the Town procure bonds for $10M to fund the Mid-Point Sewer District Improvement Project. - approved

Items for Special Consideration and New Business

Council Member Beale - Congratulations to the New Hackensack Fire District on their successful 75th Anniversary Celebrations. Commented on the maintenance done at Town Hall and the Emergency Services Building. Commented on the status of Sgt. Palmateer Park (light run over by lawn mower, unit flag is an interior flag). The Louis Diehl trail head project is nearing completion, but not currently safe for the public to use the new trail head, access to the Reese Nature Preserve. Thanks to Billy Schweizer of Fishkill who did the excavation work for this project.

Council Member Bettina - absent

Council Member Phillips - commented that the road paving work has been completed , Spook Hill Park work is continuing- and a note that All Angels Hill Road is scheduled to be paved by the county next Saturday .

Council Member Casella - Robinson Lane Fields - work is continuing, added his congratulations to the New Hackensack Fire company and the positive impact the community and noted that all 13 Bleachers have been ordered - and that there is a potential for hosting NY State Regional Championship games next year.

Supervisor Cavaccini - Noted that the bridge in the Reese Nature Preserve is being repaired and that the work area for the Building & Grounds Department in Marz Field Barn has been cleaned up. The Demolition work on the unsafe structure on Dogwood Hills has been completed. The War Memorial in Schlathaus park has been cleaned.

The Board then went into an executive session at 7:55 on Potential Litigation and Personnel - promising to tell the Town Clerk when their executuive session was completed.

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